Sunday, July 3, 2011

Wedding Weekend

Over the long weekend Curt and I took Jace to a wedding in Devon and Leduc.  A friend of mine that I had played ball with was getting married.  Ashely looked absolutely stunning but I didn't get a picture! 
Curt and I really wanted to get a family picture of the three of us this weekend, especially once we saw the beautiful gardens where the wedding took place... guess who forgot the camera in the car, oops!  We are terrible picture takers!

 Jace's shirt hung up, ready to go with daddy's!

 Grandpa watched the two boys while Curt, Dani, Brad and I were at the dinner.  Here is Curt wheeling Jace down the hall to Dani's room so Grandpa could watch the two boys.

 Sleeping beauties!

Rayell, Dani, Nettie and I at the supper. 

Jace in his cute tie... he was not a fan of the camera Saturday night. 

It's been a busy year so far for the Sliders... there will be 3 weddings and 3 babies all within 9 months!!! 
Go Sliders! Here is Rayell and Eastynn (2 months), Jace (6 months) and I, and Dani and Kane (7 1/2 months)

Grandpa and Kaner 

Jace hates when I do this! 

We tried to get a picture of the two cousins... it was not easy... 

Best we could do! 

On the way home we stopped in Daysland to visit Curt's Grandma.  Here is Great Grannie and Jace.  Jace was showing off his fancy crawling skills to Great Grannie!

What a fun weekend!  Curt and I started packing tonight for our trip to Phownix on Thursday, stay tuned for holiday pics!!

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