Curt and I had Friday off because of Parent Teacher Interviews this week. My dad got a bunch of passes for Agri Trade and since we know Jace loves tractors we decided to take him. He absolutely loved it! He was so excited to sit in all the tractors and "drive" them! He pushed as many buttons as he could and was all smiles... until it was time to leave. He was not happy! I think this is something that we will do every year now with him! It was interesting to see all the high tech gadgets that were in the tractors. It sure is alot different now than it was when my Grandpa and Curt's Grandpa use to spend all day in the tractors!
HAHA looks like we have some of the same pictures. I was wondering how those 'old farmers' use the GPS systems etc. Crazy how 'fancy' the are!! LOL