Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Baby Tips

My middle school students put together a list of baby tips for myself and Curt.  I thought I would share some of my favorites! 

* Prepare for late nights
* Watch out for the baby farts
* Never buy loud toys
* Never open a diaper without a nose plug
* Give him awesome clothes to wear
* Get a jolly jumper because they are totally awesome
* Don't let the baby hear bad words
* Prepare to sepnd money
* Watch out for barf
* Never wake up the baby, you'll be sorry
* Put him in baseball as soon as possible
* Give him lots of kisses everyday
* Watch out for puke, it can fly far
* Start with hockey early
* Always bring spare clothes for baby and you, babies are MESSY
* Don't let them play with fire
* Don'y forget to feed them
* Remember to give him lots and lots of presents
* Remember to have a schedule on who does diaper duty

I loved reading all of the advice from the Grade 7's and 8's.  Curt and I had lots of laughs over this!  Some of the advice has already come in handy!


  1. Hilarious! I must admit that I read some of them before I sent them to you!!! And nice work with the coloured fonts!!!
